

The whole area of warehouses is more than 9 500 m2. The main warehouse is in Yerevan. The two others are located in the Northern and Southern part of the country – in the Lori and Syunik regions. This kind of distribution allows to make available our entire assortment to the trade points of Artsakh, all regions of Armenia and Yerevan.


“Sovrano” LLC covers 100 % of the territory of Armenia and Artsakh. All vehicles of territorially responsible persons are equipped with GPS system, which allows to effectively control the process, correct mistakes and organize the optimal work of the sales department. Territorially responsible representatives of the sales department visit trade points according to a daily fixed schedule and make on-site direct electronic sales that helps to avoid mistakes and increase work efficiency.


The products are delivered to the trade points the following day after an order is placed by “Sovrano” LLC using special delivery vehicles, if necessary, maintaining the appropriate temperature regime for the goods.


“Sovrano” Ltd. has established clear standards for how goods should be represented at trade locations. The classification and variety of goods that directly impact sales growth are under the control of merchandisers.